To DISCIPLE FCA Athletes to SERVE the Coaches, Athletes and Families in the community of
intellectual and physical disabilities for Northern Colorado through
Special Olympics, Unified Sports, Power Camps and Community Teams.
Northern Colorado All-Abilities Director
Angie Miller
All-Abilities Sports
FCA Northern Colorado All-Abilities Sports is all about community, learning your sport, competing at your own ability, and having fun! Join us for your sport ages 8 and up.
A certified ministry event that uses the annual theme and scripture for athletes and coaches to develop athletic skills, create influential relationships and encounter Jesus Christ.
Labor Day Run-A-Thon
Building awareness and funding for Northern Colorado All-Abilities sports. Anyone can participate! come and run from 9am to 11am and get a chance to make an impact.
Huddles & Bible Studies
A small group Bible study or devotion session organized by All Abilities (FCA), where athletes, coaches, and other individuals gather to discuss faith within the context of sports.
All-Abilities will engage with middle and high school FCA Leadership Teams, Athletic Directors and Unified Coaches in Northern Colorado and serve where needed.
All-Abilities will disciple middle and high school FCA leaders to serve as partners and character coaches on Unified Teams.
All-Abilities will equip FCA partners in the skills needed for the sport they are participating in.
1298 Main Street, Unit A
PMB: 4176
Windsor, CO. 80550