FCA Campus Ministry wants to lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
Tom Dierenfeld | Lifespring Church | tomd@lifespringchurch.org | NOCO |
Doug and Cathy Dumler | Former Nebraska and Minnesota Viking | dcdumler@gmail.com | NOCO |
Scott Miller | FCA Staff - Director | smiller@fca.org | NOCO |
Angie Miller | FCA Staff - All Abilities | amiller@fca.org | NOCO |
Haley Barnes | FCA Staff - CSU | hbarnes@fca.org | NOCO |
Steve Bradley | FCA Staff - Coaches | stevebradley@fca.org | NOCO |
Laura Immenshuh | FCA Staff - Coaches | limmenschuh@fca.org | NOCO |
Rachel Hariri | FCA Staff - Campus | rhariri@fca.org | NOCO |
Quint Firestone | FCA Staff - Campus | qtip2022@gmail.com | NOCO |
Keighan Miller | FCA Staff - Administration | kmiller@fca.org | NOCO |
Matt Rochell | FCA Staff - CSU and UNC | MRochell@fca.org | NOCO |
Justin Matthews | Timberline Church - Youth | jmatthews@timberlinechurch.org | NOCO |
Reza Zadeh | Former AIA Staff and Broncos Chaplain | 970-218-3109 | NOCO |
Chris Jones | The Crossing Church Staff | 970-222-6964 | NOCO |
Conor Hallagan | FCA Volunteer; XC Coach | 970-744-0532 | NOCO |
Megan Schimmelpfennig | Club Basketball Coach/Thriving in Grace Counseling | 970-770-0539 | NOCO |
Mark Roggy | Football and Track Coach | 970-397-0805 | NOCO |
Larry Kerr | FCA Coach | tldkerr@yahoo.com | NOCO |
Vance Bedford | FCA Coach | maggiebedford@sbcglobal.net | NOCO |
Kenny Vanryne | Two Rivers Church - Youth | kenny@tworiverschurchfc.com | NOCO |
Angela Knopf | Former Team USA Volleyball and Volleyball Training | 970-215-6485 | NOCO |
Eric Zengler | Salt Church | 715-409-9740 | NOCO |
Sebashton Pichoff | Bent Tree Church | 970-889-7669 | NOCO |
Michael Benevidez | Cross Training Sports Camp Director | 904-514-7060 | Fort Collins |
Beck Easton | The Crossing Church - Youth | beck@thecrossingfc.org | Fort Collins |
Dustin Scott | Vintage City Church-Youth | dustin.scott@vintagecitychurch.com | Fort Collins |
Craig Fortunato | LifePointe Church | cfortunato@sharethelife.org | Fort Collins |
Tim Hebert | Kinard XC Coach, FCA Volunteer | hebert.tim@gmail.com | Fort Collins |
Mark Bell | Former CSU football/ FCA Volunteer | mark@lovinghaiti.org | Fort Collins |
Robert Miller SR. | Former Minnesota Viking | robert.miller35@gmail.com | Fort Collins |
Katy Coffin | Current CSU Soccer Player | 970-712-2123 | Fort Collins |
Jen Goossen | CSU Athletes in Action Staff | 402-710-0858 | Fort Collins |
Jordan West | Current CSU Softball | 720-460-8636 | Fort Collins |
Morgan Coleman | Current CSU Softball | 626-609-9979 | Fort Collins |
Rich Yonker | Former Coach | 970-305-0368 | Fort Collins |
Andrew Overmiller | Mountain View Church (Former FCA staff) | 210-723-2144 | Fort Collins |
Mark Gabbert | Zion Lutheran Church - Lead Pastor and coach | markgabbert58@hotmail.com | Wellington |
Josh Green | Calvary Severance - lead pastor | joshgreen@thecalvary.org | Windsor/Sev |
Chad Barlow | Windsor Community Church | chadtbarlow@gmail.com | Windsor/Sev |
John Mehl | Timberline Windsor | john@timbrlinewindsor.org | Windsor/Sev |
Curtis Reeves | Traverse Church - Youth Director | curtis@traversechristian.com | Windsor/Sev |
Tree Cooper | Cornerstone Baptist Church - Lead Pastor | atreec@me.com | Windsor/Sev |
Andy Duke | Pastor and former FCA Volunteer | andrewlduke@gmail.com | Windsor/Sev |
Patrick Lightfoot | Traverse Church - Lead Pastor | patrick@traversechristian.com | Windsor/Sev |
Jesse Wyrick | Cornerstone Baptist Church- Youth Pastor | jwyrick87@gmail.com | Windsor/Sev |
D'Angelo Duran | Mosaic Church - Youth Pastor | dangelo@greeleymosaic.com | Greeley |
Rodney Fletcher | Journey Christian - Youth Pastor | rodney@journeychristian.org | Greeley |
DJ Williams | UNC Football Coach (do not contact during season) | 615-289-8541 | Greeley |
1298 Main Street, Unit A
PMB: 4176
Windsor, CO. 80550