I have been reading the book Gentle and Lowly, The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund, for what feels like a year now. This book has challenged me in ways I struggle to put into words—and although I am already a slow reader, this is also why it has been so slow going. A brief description is this book depicts who Jesus is, His characteristics broken down chapter by chapter. “Who is he? Who is he really? What is most natural to him? What ignites within him most immediately as he moves towards sinners and sufferers? What flows out most freely, most instinctively? Who is he?”
Ministry within FCA is my life, but it is also a ‘job’. I will hope to make this clear- the best job in the world, my calling, a job for The Kingdom—but my job. Something the Lord has so clearly put on my heart is the importance of the distinction of preparing for work, preparing to disciple young ladies… this has to be second in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray this wording makes sense to all. This book points directly to scripture and it is imperative to read it alongside the Living Word of God, but I will also say the Lord has used this book specifically to help me focus on Jesus so deeply. How each chapter has a sole focus on Him- (some examples—Able to Sympathize, A Tender Friend, His Ways Are Not Our Ways, Rich in Mercy), and has helped me grow in intimacy with the Lord. Through trials I have faced in the last year, I have felt my focus become more narrow—relying on the Lord for comfort, developing deep deep trust and this book has assisted in being gracious reminders of who God is, at all times, He is everything.
I really believe this could be a word for many, not just me. I hope this transparency in my walk with the Lord is a reminder that the word of God is living, a reminder that the creator of the universe knows every part of us and places people and things in our life to point us back to Him. I am gentle and lowly in heart.
Matthew 11:29 And this is the way to have eternal life- to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one you sent to earth. John 17:3 We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness. Hebrews 4:15
With love, Sierra Peterson
1298 Main Street, Unit A
PMB: 4176
Windsor, CO. 80550