Part of growing in our relationship with the Lord comes moments of recognition. The Holy Spirit opens our eyes to various truths as we draw closer in relationship with God. One of the recognitions in this season of my life is who do I know God to be? Is my knowledge and relationship with God something that I have put together from a conglomeration of ideas, feelings, initiatives, other people's experiences, books etc. Or is it based on searching for and finding the Lord in my pursuit of knowing him? Who he is! The presence of God is where we enter into relationship with him.
The Hebrew word for presence is face. God’s Presence – Panah פנה Pei Nun Hei How about meditating on this...when we are in God's presence, we are having a face-to-face conversation with Almighty God. A relationship with God. Powerful is it not? Not through someone else but through Him! I would gather that most of our understanding of God comes from outside influences and little on our own intimacy with Him personally. It is humbling to acknowledge that many of my "understandings" have been from outside influences. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for helping in my pursuit of knowing God intimately and personally. To be seen and known by my creator is the most intimate and fulfilling part of our existence. My desire is to surrender all things for more of just God.
What gets in the way of truly surrendering so that I can enter His presence and have a face-to-face conversation? Let's surrender those things so that we can enter into His presence! This is our hearts' desire: more of Him from my seeking, and meditating, from reading His word and praying, to journaling and fasting. Jeremiah is told that when he seeks God, God will be found if we seek him with our whole hearts.
Jeremiah 29: 11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord."
I want to find the Lord every single day, I want to dwell in His presence, פנה! May we hunger for intimacy with God. May we not settle for other people's stories but desire our own stories with God intimately and personally. I pray that as we seek the Lord and know him, He will transform everything about us. I surrender all! All to Jesus, I surrender I surrender all!
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