Recently, I have been asking myself, How would my life look different if I said Yes to God every single day? Would it look different? This question came to mind when I was reading this book. The author shared all the open doors the Lord opened up for her to say yes to Him and how much of an impact it had in their life. I feel like that is pretty common in most people, they read or hear something inspiring and they change their life and create new habits for a little bit and then most likely they go back to their normal life. So how do you really change your whole mentality and create this shift to make that change and keep it. Saying yes to God sounds like such a simple task, but if you really look inward, saying yes to God means giving up control in your life.
Now, if you are anything like me, control is not something I like to give up easily. It is quite difficult for me to know I have a hand in control for every aspect of my life. Knowing that about myself I started to reflect. Why can’t I give up control over things easily or at all. Does it mean that I have a hard time trusting the Lord? Sometimes reflecting on patterns in your life is the best thing you can do for yourself, but it can also be really hard to come face to face with your struggles and especially hard when you do not know how to fix them. That is where the Lord comes in. I realize that part of my control is trying to fix my own struggles and I lack dependency on the Lord.
This author shared a story about how she listened to the Holy Spirit about giving her Bible away to a stranger and through it came an abundance of Grace and Love and sharing the Gospel to someone who came to know the Lord themselves. That was just one example she used in what it can look like to say yes to God. She then goes on to share that Jesus has such a wonderful and grand life that He has written out for us and when we refuse to listen or be obedient, it is like we are missing out on that great life that Jesus has planned for us. God reveals Himself and His activity to all of us, but very few really want an encounter with Him. Encounters cause extreme changes in OUR plans, OUR perspectives, and OUR personhood and most of us hate change.In reality, though, the very act of trying to protect ourselves from change is the very thing that makes our life the boring mess that it sometimes is. Christians often want to have this kind of relationship with God where they recognize His voice, live in expectation of His activity and embrace a life totally sold out for Him. That is the desire of my heart in this season. I have discovered that the key to having this kind of incredible adventure is radical obedience.
I think that we cannot fully experience the radical blessings God has in store for us without radical obedience. It is the road that leads to blessing. It is what happens when we say yes to God. And you won’t find the full blessing until you give walking in obedience your full attention. Obedience, however, is more than just “not sinning”. It is having the overwhelming desire to walk in the center of God’s will at every moment. Don’t stumble over fearing you won’t be perfect or that you are sure to mess up. Saying yes to God isn’t about perfect performance, but rather perfect surrender to the Lord day by day. Your obedience becomes radical the minute this desire turns into real action. Radical obedience is hearing God, feeling His nudges, participating in His activity, and experiencing His blessings in ways few people ever do.
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