If you’re anything like me, it can be hard to manage and steward time, but one of the things lately that has really given me life is prioritizing time to be creative. One of the takeaways, from my Sabbatical last year was that we are all meant to create, but I hadn’t been creating the time for it. Being creative is one of the characteristics I believe that we actually get to share with God. If viewing Him as creative seems strange to you, just take a look around to the natural world. Or take a look at the different faces and people you walk past each and every day. He is so supremely creative- I mean there are over 10,000 different types of grass! I’m pretty sure one would have been sufficient (sorry golfers, maybe 4 would be enough for you)! Being creative or creating is slightly different for us than for God, because we take His creation and then manipulate to make something good, beautiful or new.
There are many ways to do this, but my favorite way is with food. I love everything about food- sure, the eating of it, but the appearance of beautiful food, the variety, learning about people by the way they eat and relate to food, exploring other cultures, and being able to manipulate food with my own hands. I clearly could go on and on, but in realizing the “holiness” of getting to create with food, it has been one way that I feel worshipful in the regular, everyday kind of life. I’m not great at keeping the Sabbath, but one thing for me that is resting in the Lord and delighting in Him is a cooking project. This might involve trying out a new recipe, or preparing something that requires lots of steps or a lot of waiting/chilling, resting time. I even find joy in reading cookbooks I check out from the library because the wonder of other people’s creativity and the beauty they find in food is inspiring to me. Sometimes, just getting my hands busy (kneading dough, whisking cream, stirring a sauce) or the way that different things can perfume the air (citrus zest, simmering garlic, etc.) reconnects me to the created world in a way that just feels good.
Maybe this sounds romanticized or crazy, but maybe I can help encourage you to not see cooking, eating or even the regular preparing of food to be drudgery, but full of life and worship instead. And, if that feels to hard, maybe find a friend who sees cooking the way I do and invite them to teach you how to delight in the creative act of food. Or, find what other creative act draws you closer to the presence of Jesus.
Blessings, Laura
1298 Main Street, Unit A
PMB: 4176
Windsor, CO. 80550